вторник, август 07, 2012

Dear sister,

I am writing in response to your letter/blog post (? xD). I still love you to.I am very fond of you and now I am writing like a Victorean female writer like Jane Austin or Brontes.
You are lovely gracious creature with sincere deep grey/green eyes and good spirit. I must say that I miss your kindness and words.
I hope to see your lovely dear face soon.

Your sincerely,


(yuo can laugh your ass off now :D Victorean mood off)

wake me up when this life ends

dear, sister,

i am writing to let you know i still love you.

sincerely yours,

неделя, юни 17, 2012

A pissed off book review.

Since it is a blog for raving,let's gonna rave.

I am mad/pissed off/moody or whatever other word you choose, because outside is so nice,the wind,the summer and everything and I dont have with who to share it or at least sit there with my thoughts, because there is no place to sit with your thoughts outside.

Another reason will be the fact that I spent 2 nights skimming (not really reading) the triology of Fifty shades of WTF. You heard me, I was not reading the whole shit of this, but I have read enough of it. The three books, the repetitions, the awfulness. Now I am mad even more sharing this in this little lonely blog, but I really could not force myself writing any review in Goodreads and confessing that I read this 'so-called-form-of-book-wanna-be'. I don't want to judge, really. But the people who have heard about this book,they will SO judge me for reading it, and I dont give a fuck about it. The book was not my thing, and it pissed me off. A lot. How could someone create a charecter and make it so annoying.?! When you dare to write and publish fiction book, make sure the charecters do not make you mad. That's rule number one. When you decide to publish a book out of FAN FICTION based on Twilight, bare the consequences from that.

Christian is so...not convincing. This is not supposed to be a movie, when I am forced to believe the actor, it is supposed to be a book and I do not believe the main character. Seriously. I will not enter into details, but how it is possible a man to change in 5 months after he met 'the one'. I will tell you how- HE CANNOT. I know that this plot is probably based on the author's secret love fantasies of the perfect man and the perfect romance, but it is more than fiction, this is love fantasy. He can not be so charmingly amazing and so fucked up that when he met her, he became 'vanilla'. Bullshit. Men don't change like that. Actually, men RARELY change. At least not at the age of 27.

Now, Anastasia. She is annoying.More than Bella. First she is supposed to be this strong independent woman. Huh? All she did was 'melting' with him. The author wants to convince me that a woman at age of 22 (one year and half older than me) have never fallen in love with any man and never wanted anything more than friendship with them, and suddenly BAM-she met him and can't live without him. SERIOUSLY?
Those are only few of the negative remarks I have about the plot. I am not even discussing the writing style.

This book (s) is not a fiction, it is a romance FANTASY.

понеделник, юни 11, 2012

В името на всички homeless cats, dogs and monkeys, в името на Джон Ленън, Шелдън, Brand new and  the rest cool guys all around the world:


О, да, да.
Имам 5,95 по философия на матурата...
...или иначе казано: СУ, I'm gonna kick ur fucking ass, soon.

Je t'aime, Annie.

вторник, юни 05, 2012


Your soulmate does not hate you. No one could hate you.
Even the 'annoying' ones like you in contrast with me -whom they avoid.

Let's say goodbye to sadness and embrace the light and moment. The world needs your smile.

Let's get this party started! (I did not say that and I do not really mean a party)

why my soul mate hates me?
why is it raining again...
why do we feel like shit, when we're supposed to be happy?!

петък, юни 01, 2012

Bazinga (or how Sheldon likes to 'joke')

yeah, I know she is gone,but still,why..? (why people always leave xD)

Да, добре че не си отишла на детското нещо си ...Не се обиждай сис,ама  скоро чух,че не искаш деца (нито на 28, нито на 40 :D).Но наистина си пропуснала да ги видиш как се мацат (ела да видиш как аз го правя и ще ти е достатъчно за lifetime!

Честит 1 юни! Винаги ще си останеш young folk ,само дето си малко големичка вече,ама от мен да мине :D) И за да дам отговор на този твой странен-видео-музикален въпрос- no,annie doesn't want a baby ! Но оценявам загрижеността ти (виж, за другите ануковци не мога да ти кажа).

 Sheldon е толкова стр.анно-луд,че понякога се чудя може ли повече от това :D Толкова е hilarious особено като ги кара да му пеят soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of furrrrrrr, happy kitty, sleepy kitty, puuuuuurrr puuurrr puuuurrr :D:D (което ме подсеща-време е да приютиш някоя homeless cat!!)

P.S. Писна ми да получавам спам мейли от FucBook (No, I don't want to get laid, thank you for your concern).

suck my kiss

dude, she is gone...  x.x
очевидно не сме достатъчно готини за човечеството, but who cares? имам си новата зарибявка по the big bang theory и шелдън <3333

и чета the weird обясненията на карл ясперс (yeah, THE dude, who was missing in goodreads!)
между другото, щях да ходя на националното четене на 'аз съм българче', само че пише, че е от 10 до 16 часа, а аз съм неориентирано и не знам кога трябва да се замъкна до детския отдел, пък и някак се чувствам адски тъпо сред хлапенца, мацащи се с боички и нямащи никаква представа какво се случва. xD
... и ми остава единствено шелдън.
И НЕ Е ЧЕСТНО, че в единствения ден, в който реших да си остана вкъщи, започна да пече слънце и да е топличко, и хубаво, и гр...

p.s. ЧЕСТИТ ДЕН НА ДЕТЕТО, old folk. :D:D

p.s. 2... annie wants a baby?! really? xD

четвъртък, май 31, 2012

I like you, Casper.
I am sorry that I took this print-screen picture.
Come back,again...or not?

Или не.
Не сме сигурни, защото ту се появява, ту изчезва...

ЗДРАВЕЙ, ако си там!

вторник, май 29, 2012

WELCOME BACK TO ME.  or anyway.

ех, липсваше ми къде да си изливам гнева! и всеки нов последовател е добре дошъл!

A promise

I welcome every new follower,and  I promise I will not ask them where they come from or judge their posts !